“I want to thank all of you that were involved in my dressage horse Floyd’s care during the last year’s long illness with metabolic issues. I was really near putting him down, since he was in so much pain and got so thin that he even lost a lot of his muscle and his backbone was protruding.

Thanks to the fine guidance of Judy Sinner and Erin Zamzow about his diet and care, I was able with their help to not use drugs and bring him not only back to what seems to be normal function and health, but have started riding him again.

This was photo was taken at his first beach ride since he recovered, and he loved it. I hope he has many years to continue his good health.

He has been on the diet you recommended of HES 3/4 cup twice a day, Excel 1/4 scoop once a day, Easy Balance 3/4 scoop twice a day, Reg. Dyna 1 scoop twice a day, Dyna Pro AM only. One 13oz can of orchard pellets and one cup of whole oats to mix it all together.

No chemical wormers for the last year or vaccinations, which he hasn’t had for a couple of years anyway. Only natural grass hay or orchard grass hay since last Aug.  Free choice minerals and NTM salt. It was a great beach ride and it was easy to tell he enjoyed the whole process of going. He couldn’t wait to get into the trailer and it was the first time he has been hauled in almost a year. Thanks again for the fine guidance.”
